Busy life...Happy wife

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yes it is 1:27am But it's OK. After a wonderful dinner with friends tonight I imbibed in a Venti Latte after dinner - I am not a coffee drinker...that explains it...right?

Last week we attended the sweetest wedding ever. Our "little Missy" (my cousin, great friend and co-worker) married her sweetheart. It was a small, but perfect little wedding she seriously planned in about 4 weeks. Everything was perfect. Aren't they a cute couple?

We received a call from our domestic SW on Friday as we were heading to the wedding. It always makes my heart skip a beat and gives my stomach butterflies to see her number show up on my phone. She was calling for our monthly update.

GOOD NEWS all around. Birth moms are coming in...most have not made a final decision to parent or adopt but there are babies due to be born in June, July, August and September. Only God knows if one of those precious miracles will be one chosen for us but it makes my heart sing just thinking about the possibilities!

Dave sister has arrived and we are happy to have her here in AZ. She has been helping with take my jewelry biz to the next level. We are having a lot of fun!

Uh Oh...I think the caffeine is finally wearing off.


The Vinyards said...

I'm so excited for you guys. That is wonderful news! Your cousin is beautiful. Looks like it was an awesome wedding!

Erik and Lorraine said...

What exciting news! I remember feeling the same way (my heart would skip a beat) as I waited for the birth mom to call. It was actually a year ago this time and soon we'll be celebrating a first birthday!

Praying for your little one.

Christie said...

How exciting! Here's to becoming a mama this year!!