Dates to Celebrate

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Looking for help from our China adoption friends here. What are your favorite adoption dates (like date to china, log-in date, gotcha day) and in what special way have you celebrated them?


Musings from Kim K. said...

Our 1st Gotcha day anniversary for our family was this Monday. We took the girls away on a special trip to celebrate. I posted pictures on our blog. Josie's Gotcha day forever changed our family. I'm looking forward to finally seeing your own Gotcha day. Hugs.

Sharon said...

Our first Gotcha Day anniversary will be the 30th of this month. We will be going to PF Changs with family and giving Hudson a gift. We haven't celebrated the other ones YET but that may be in the future,,,,especially his referral day....It is SUCH an incredible time with so many anniversary's..those you mentioned plus all the a's received...PA/RA/TA, actually flying to China....we find ourselves reliving them all this month.....
Can't wait to see how your first child arrives!!!

Kathy said...

With Jaden our favorite to celebrate is Gotcha Day.
It is as important to us as her birthday. Our Referral
Day is also very special because it was the day we received the phone call from our FC telling us congratulations you have a daughter and giving us
all her info and then waiting for the email to come
through to see her precious face for the first time!
We share her birthday with many friends and family.
Gotcha Day is a special family time and PF Changs is our favorite place to go. Referral Day is usually take out Chinese food and a special day of remembering that long awaited phone call.

Waiting for Lauryn said...

We are in the process too.
Our DTC was August 18/08 - our LID is August 26/08 - 4 days after our 10th wedding anniversary!
I love your blog! Congratulations on your journey to date.
Best wishes!
The Thomson's

Traci said...

Our LID is 01/13/09...and to keep ourselves sane we've decided to celebrate each months passing by buying something nice for the kiddo. It gives us something to look forward to, as well as reminding us that we are expecting a baby in the future. Plus, with so long to wait we can spread out buying some really fun things for our girl instead of trying to do it all at once. :)

Unknown said...

Hi! We have a LID of 7/23/2007. Each month on the 23rd, we get take out Chinese and have a Chinese party. It's fun and we are reminded that we are one month closer to having our little girl in our arms!