Today Rocky aka Rock Star made a few sacrifices of his own for The Shania Project. He had to go to the vet. They gave him a couple of shots, they took his blood and well you know... whatever else they do to dogs on a routine check-up. He doesn't understand what it is all about but yes, Rocky too is included in the paperwork shuffle. We are required to show proof of current shots along with a signed letter from the vet on letterhead (don't think it needs to be notorized - I will have to check on that one). (: Crazy - glad we only have one pet!
Just read some interesting facts about the Chinese culture - The Chinese do not understand the "Man's best friend" thing we Westerners have. They use dogs for guarding and protection - I have also read articles about them being apart of some diets...not sure that one is true - but it is documented. Now that I think about it, most dogs in the West probably have it better than a lot of the Chinese population to the East.
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