Sex crime

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday has been a great day for Sheri and I to go gather up documents and otherwise cross off to-do items from our adoption list. Today got off to a perfect start with breakfast at The Good Egg, our favorite spot. From there we headed over to the Chandler Police Dept. to get a copy of our police report clearance. We ran into a fantastic young lady named Geri at the records department (A little too optimistic and helpful... check the coffee).

As we were walking away from the window with our perfectly executed documents; signed and dated, notarized, notary's commission expires in more than 14 months (yeah, it's like that), we both stopped in our tracks. On my report there were the expected minor law enforcement encounters: speeding, no insurance card, that sort of thing (note to Shania: this does not excuse Daddy's behavior, this is totally unacceptable). But there was an unexpected item on Sheri's report: Sex Offense. We both felt sick to our stomachs. Had someone stolen Sheri's identity? Maybe a setup like in that Sandra Bullock movie? (not Speed, the other one. Network?)

Back at the window Geri was all business. She pulled the report and began to laugh as she read. "You had apparently, um. been the witness to someone, well um (wispering details) ....."

We laughed. Oh yeah the perv in the Volvo! Great news is that Sheri was not the perpetrator, but the reporter of this particular offense.